gmslAPI  0.1
gmslAPI: An API for Developing Upgrade Solutions using Great Migrations Technology
gmslLibrary.Opcodes.ARG Class Reference

Public Attributes

const int Void = 0
const int Byte = 1
const int Short = 2
const int Integer = 3
const int Long = 4
const int Currency = 5
const int Single = 6
const int Double = 7
const int String = 8
const int Boolean = 9
const int Date = 10
const int Variant = 11
const int Object = 12
const int User = 13
const int Control = 14
const int Icon = 15
const int FrxPicture = 16
const int Any = 17
const int TwipsX = 18
const int TwipsY = 19
const int UnsInteger = 20
const int WinPanel = 21
const int VarArray = 22
const int OLE_HANDLE = 23
const int StringPtr = 24
const int NET_TimeSpan = 25
const int ControlCollection = 26
const int DataReader = 27
const int CheckedListBox = 28
const int StreamWriter = 29
const int Exception = 30
const int SafeArray = 31
const int SystemAction = 32
const int FormsCollection = 33
const int Dynamic = 34
const int ValueType = 35
const int objReference = 36
const int character = 38
const int DataBindings = 74
const int StartupPosition = 78
const int ShortCutKey = 79
const int PictureBoxSizeMode = 80
const int SimpleBorderStyle = 81
const int KeyCodeConstants = 82
const int LogEventTypeConstants = 83
const int DrawStyle = 84
const int DrawMode = 85
const int LineFill = 86
const int CharSet = 87
const int PictureType = 88
const int OffsetStep = 89
const int LockType = 90
const int AccessType = 91
const int ShareType = 92
const int VbCallType = 93
const int MousePointerConstants = 94
const int WindowStyle = 95
const int OpenMode = 96
const int FormatDateTime = 97
const int vbTristate = 98
const int ScaleModeConstants = 99
const int VbCompareMethod = 100
const int VbStrConv = 101
const int VbFileAttribute = 102
const int vbMsgBoxResult = 103
const int VbMsgBoxStyle = 104
const int VariableType = 105
const int ButtonAppearanceStyle = 106
const int ApplicationStartMode = 107
const int MouseButtonConstants = 108
const int ResourceType = 109
const int FirstDayOfWeek = 110
const int FirstDayOfYear = 111
const int OLE_COLOR = 112
const int DueDate = 113
const int FormWindowStateConstants = 114
const int Align = 115
const int CheckboxConstants = 116
const int MultiSelectStatus = 117
const int PaletteMode = 118
const int Alignment = 119
const int BorderStyle = 120
const int ComboBoxStyle = 121
const int IMEmodes = 122
const int DrawingColor = 123
const int ScrollBarConstants = 124
const int HorizontalAlignment = 125
const int LayoutArrangement = 126
const int RLDirection = 129
const int vbCalendar = 130
const int ShiftConstants = 131
const int BackStyle = 132
const int QueryUnloadConstants = 133
const int Type00 = 134
const int IdeControl = 135
const int FillStyleConstants = 136
const int Vb6Form = 137
const int Vb6Attribute = 138
const int Vb6Option = 139
const int Vb6Function = 140
const int Vb6Command = 141
const int VB6Class = 142
const int PictureBox = 143
const int Label = 144
const int TextBox = 145
const int Frame = 146
const int CommandButton = 147
const int CheckBox = 148
const int OptionButton = 149
const int ComboBox = 150
const int ListBox = 151
const int HScrollBar = 152
const int VScrollBar = 153
const int Timer = 154
const int Printer = 155
const int Form = 156
const int Screen = 157
const int Clipboard = 158
const int OLEDropEffectConstants = 159
const int VB6ColorConstants = 160
const int WPFOperations = 161
const int Menu = 162
const int MDIForm = 163
const int Application = 164
const int Shape = 165
const int Line = 166
const int Image = 167
const int Data = 168
const int OLE = 169
const int UserControl = 170
const int PropertyPage = 171
const int UserDocument = 172
const int Global = 173
const int VBControlExtender = 174
const int Font = 175
const int Collection = 176
const int TabControl = 177
const int ErrObject = 180

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