gmslAPI  0.1
gmslAPI: An API for Developing Upgrade Solutions using Great Migrations Technology
gmslLibrary.Opcodes.IFS Class Reference

Public Attributes

const int IfStatement = 0
const int Label = 1
const int ElseIfTrue = 2
const int ElseAnyThing = 3
const int WhileTrue = 4
const int EndIf = 5
const int CloseBlock = 6
const int LoopEnd = 7
const int Do = 8
const int Comma = 9
const int DoWhile = 10
const int DoUntil = 11
const int LoopWhile = 12
const int LoopUntil = 13
const int NextCounter = 14
const int Wend = 15
const int While = 16
const int For = 17
const int ForEach = 18
const int ForStepNeg = 19
const int Select = 20
const int EndSelect = 21
const int CaseElse = 22
const int CaseValue = 23
const int EndCase = 24
const int IsValue = 25
const int NeqValue = 26
const int GteValue = 27
const int LteValue = 28
const int EqlValue = 29
const int GtrValue = 30
const int LthValue = 31
const int ValueTo = 32
const int Break = 33
const int CondIfTrue = 34
const int CondEndIf = 35
const int CondElseIf = 36
const int CondElse = 37
const int ForEachTemp = 38
const int ForVariant = 39
const int ForByOne = 40
const int CaseComma = 41
const int TestIfTrue = 42
const int TestEndIf = 43
const int TestElseIf = 44
const int TestElse = 45
const int IIfStatement = 46
const int ForByOneDay = 47
const int Using = 48
const int EndUsing = 49
const int ForEachGeneric = 50
const int OpenResumeNext = 51
const int CloseResumeNext = 52
const int ForByZero = 53
const int OpenTryAll = 54
const int EndLoopCode = 55

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