gmslAPI  0.1
gmslAPI: An API for Developing Upgrade Solutions using Great Migrations Technology
gmslLibrary.Opcodes.MBU Class Reference

Public Attributes

const int vbOKOnly = 0
const int vbOKCancel = 1
const int vbAbortRetryIgnore = 2
const int vbYesNoCancel = 3
const int vbYesNo = 4
const int vbRetryCancel = 5
const int vbCritical = 6
const int vbQuestion = 7
const int vbExclamation = 8
const int vbInformation = 9
const int vbDefaultButton1 = 10
const int vbDefaultButton2 = 11
const int vbDefaultButton3 = 12
const int vbApplicationModal = 13
const int vbSystemModal = 14
const int vbMsgBoxHelpButton = 15
const int vbMsgBoxRight = 16
const int vbMsgBoxRtlReading = 17
const int vbMsgBoxSetForeground = 18
const int vbDefaultButton4 = 19
const int OKOnly = 20
const int OKCancel = 21
const int AbortRetryIgnore = 22
const int YesNoCancel = 23
const int YesNo = 24
const int RetryCancel = 25
const int Hand = 26
const int Question = 27
const int Exclamation = 28
const int Asterisk = 29
const int Stop = 30
const int Error = 31
const int Warning = 32
const int Information = 33
const int None = 34

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