gmslAPI  0.1
gmslAPI: An API for Developing Upgrade Solutions using Great Migrations Technology
gmslLibrary.Opcodes.FOR Class Reference

Public Attributes

const int NotUsed0 = 0
const int Name = 1
const int Caption = 2
const int hWnd = 3
const int BackColor = 4
const int ForeColor = 5
const int Left = 6
const int Top = 7
const int Width = 8
const int Height = 9
const int Enabled = 10
const int WindowState = 11
const int MousePointer = 12
const int FontName = 13
const int FontSize = 14
const int FontBold = 15
const int FontItalic = 16
const int FontStrikethru = 17
const int FontUnderline = 18
const int hDC = 19
const int CurrentX = 20
const int CurrentY = 21
const int ScaleLeft = 22
const int ScaleTop = 23
const int ScaleWidth = 24
const int ScaleHeight = 25
const int ScaleMode = 26
const int FontTransparent = 27
const int DrawStyle = 28
const int DrawWidth = 29
const int FillStyle = 30
const int FillColor = 31
const int DrawMode = 32
const int AutoRedraw = 33
const int Picture = 34
const int BorderStyle = 35
const int Icon = 36
const int LinkTopic = 37
const int LinkMode = 38
const int MaxButton = 39
const int MinButton = 40
const int ControlBox = 41
const int Image = 42
const int HasDC = 43
const int Visible = 44
const int Tag = 45
const int MDIChild = 46
const int KeyPreview = 47
const int ClipControls = 48
const int HelpContextID = 49
const int ActiveControl = 50
const int Count = 51
const int Controls = 52
const int MouseIcon = 53
const int Font = 54
const int Appearance = 55
const int WhatsThisButton = 56
const int WhatsThisHelp = 57
const int ShowInTaskbar = 58
const int RightToLeft = 59
const int StartUpPosition = 60
const int OLEDropMode = 61
const int Palette = 62
const int PaletteMode = 63
const int Moveable = 64
const int ClientHeight = 65
const int ClientLeft = 66
const int ClientTop = 67
const int ClientWidth = 68
const int LockControls = 69
const int NegotiateMenus = 70
const int Refresh = 71
const int Move = 72
const int SetFocus = 73
const int ZOrder = 74
const int Show = 75
const int Hide = 76
const int PrintForm = 77
const int PopupMenu = 78
const int Circle = 79
const int Cls = 80
const int Line = 81
const int PaintPicture = 82
const int Point = 83
const int PSet = 84
const int Scale = 85
const int ScaleX = 86
const int ScaleY = 87
const int TextWidth = 88
const int TextHeight = 89
const int ValidateControls = 90
const int WhatsThisMode = 91
const int OLEDrag = 92
const int Load = 93
const int DragDrop = 94
const int DragOver = 95
const int LinkClose = 96
const int LinkError = 97
const int LinkExecute = 98
const int LinkOpen = 99
const int Resize = 100
const int Unload = 101
const int QueryUnload = 102
const int Activate = 103
const int Deactivate = 104
const int Click = 105
const int DblClick = 106
const int GotFocus = 107
const int KeyDown = 108
const int KeyPress = 109
const int KeyUp = 110
const int LostFocus = 111
const int MouseDown = 112
const int MouseMove = 113
const int MouseUp = 114
const int Paint = 115
const int Initialize = 116
const int Terminate = 117
const int OLEDragOver = 118
const int OLEDragDrop = 119
const int OLEGiveFeedback = 120
const int OLEStartDrag = 121
const int OLESetData = 122
const int OLECompleteDrag = 123
const int NotUsed124 = 124
const int Print = 125
const int ShowDialog = 126
const int CancelButton = 127
const int AcceptButton = 128

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